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Succulents privy make a rattling addition to whatsoever home garden. These robust, fleshy plants are capable of surviving in an range of different environments and command very teensy upkeep once they're planted. If you're thinking about introducing a fewer cacti, stonecrop, or aloe plants to your garden but don't have room to commit to a whole plot, try creating your own illumination version using materials of your tasty. Cultivating a miniature succulent garden is quick and easy, which is good word for the inexperienced horticulturist, and can even be through with inside your home if garden infinite is at a premium.

  1. 1

    Gather your materials. You hind end find most if not everything you deman to start your own miniature lush garden in the garden department of your local home melioration store. This project requires at to the lowest degree one packed container, a few ounces of raw gardening grime, some small potting stones or pebbles and your prize of succulent plants.[1]

    • The average price for succulent seedlings, gardening soil, and a fundamental planter will most likely be between $30-50.
    • With all your supplies in situ, you tin can put on together a little succulent garden in as little as 15 proceedings.[2]
  2. 2

    Decide what type of succulents you require to grow. When most people think of succulents, cacti are what come to mind, but at that place are lots of other varieties to choose from. Some of the most popular if little-legendary succulents include Echeveria, aloe, seed leaf, sempervivum, and agave. Choose plants that you think will be a good fit for the type of garden you mean.[3]

    • It may be worth considering factors otherwise just looks, as well, corresponding the climate you active in, accessibility to sunniness around your home you said it much time you'll be able to devote to caring for the plants.[4]
    • Browse the succulent selection at your local greenhouse or plant nursery for level more options.
    • Make a point to consider how large the plants can fix before you choose them.


  3. 3

    Cull out out a container of the right sizing. The exact size of it of your succulent garden is up to you, but in order for it to meet the "miniature" verbal description, information technology should believably be healthy to ready in something no larger than a household planter. Ceramic bowls and dishes are one to a greater extent attractive selection, or you could sustain things simple and co-occur with a basic flower pot. [5]

    • Think of some clever, unorthodox containers planters for your succulents. Miniature gardens in mason jars or fish bowls will count charming displayed throughout your home, spell outdoor arrangements could be created in an unused bird feeder, wheelbarrow or even a twin of rubber gardening boots.[6]
    • Whatever container you fixate should promote victorian water drainage or vaporisation and supply sufficiency space 'tween soul plants so they Don River't smother each early.
  4. 4

    Add decorative touches. If you wish, you can lend your garden some extra optic appeal by ornamenting it with tiny statues, figurines, trellises, Oregon former novelties. This sort of flair doesn't typically cost much Thomas More, and can be used to break up the monotony of a sea of green plants and black soil if you'atomic number 75 starting a garden for aesthetic purposes.[7]

    • Those World Health Organization aren't sloped to buy a lot of knick-knacks for their gardens can allay spruce them ahead with found objects like seashells or wood carvings.


  1. 1

    Spread a level of stones over the bottom of the planter. Start away sprinkle pebbles into the container you've selected. The pebbles will provide a foundation for the potting grease and also help waste pipe surplusage water which can cause succulents to die off or rot. If your plantation owner features holes for drainage, nominate sure they're not covered risen by larger stones.[8]

    • For high-grade results, this initial layer of stones should beryllium leastways an column inch thick.[9]
    • When working with stones of various sizes (like those you've gathered yourself), put the big stones in place first, then fill in the gaps between them exploitation smaller rocks and pebbles.
  2. 2

    Cover song the stones with a stratum of planting soil. Shake a couple of ounces of soil into the planter over the pebble base. Break high the land to keep information technology from clumping and becoming too dense. The soil will need to Be at least an inch thick in order to hold most succulents securely and take into account them to take stem.[10]

    • Use a spoon to funnel the soil into containers with smaller openings.
    • Consider mixing in some sand with your potting soil. This will keep off the consistency light and well-aired, which is advantageous to the ontogenesis and survival of succulent plants.[11]
  3. 3

    Aim a scenic arrangement of plants and decorative accents. Formulate some ideas some what you might want the general configuration of your succulent garden to look suchlike. For instance, you might arrange tufts of senecio around a sweeping mound of kalanchoe operating theater jovibarba, accented with brilliant Adenium blossoms. Let your imagination run wild—the layout of your garden should be a unique showcase of your personal sensibilities.[12]

    • Placing a few different types of succulents in close proximity will create a look of eye-catching diversity.
    • Plant "filler" succulents like aptenia cordifolia approximately the edges of the planter to act as a natural perimeter and fill stunned the appearance of the garden.[13]
    • For succulents with beautiful coloration, try ruby ball cactus, Epiphyllum, Echeveria Beaver State Queen's Tears.[14]
  4. 4

    Transfer the succulents to the soil. Remove the plants from their existing containers carefully, brushing away some clinging soil until you queer the root ball. Utilize the tip of your finger to burrow into the potting soil and with kid gloves place the succulents in the holes you ready-made, fashioning sure the root of each plant is nestled down deep. Pat the soil or so the bulbs Oregon stems lightly to anchor the plants.[15]

    • LET your succulents sit in a higher place the rim of the planter, rather than deep refine inside it. This wish create often-needed air flow betwixt the plants and keep water from pooling some their base.[16]
    • If you're growing your succulents from cuttings or leaves, position them directly happening upmost of the soil in rows and water them exploitation a nebulise bottle.
  5. 5

    Use another layer of stones to cover the soil. Once you've gotten your succulents where you want them, scatter more pebbles and larger rocks over the uppermost part of the grime. The added burden of a second layer of stones will hold the plants in place and help distribute wet more evenly when you water them. After you've covered the surface soil, introduce whatever accessories operating theater decorations you please and call it a day![17]

    • A second bed of stones will also help protect against wind and water eating away.
    • Accent your garden with flamboyant tras string of beads or gemstones. They'll provide the same function As pebbles, merely with a more elegant and personalized appearance.


  1. 1

    Cause sure your succulents get plentitude of casual. These plants love sultry, sugarless weather and do second-best when left someplace where they can relish in the sun. Stool room penny-pinching an uncovered window if you're cultivating your succulents indoors so that they can receive ample sunshine. If you plan on leaving the miniature garden outdoors, deposit them where other plants and objects won't obstruct their primary light source.[18]

    • A good reign of thumb is that succulents should puzzle more or less six hours of sunlight per day.
    • Deflect exposing your garden to too much direct heat. Hours and hours of direct sunlight, especially in the warmer months, can be quelling even for succulents.
  2. 2

    Water your garden periodically. As with all plants, succulents comparable cacti, rosularia, and Aeonium need regular lachrymation. However, they South Korean won't require as much moisture as less red-blooded seasonal plants. When your succulents are young, start them with fractional a cup of water every a couple of days. Pour the water in a slow trickle all around the outermost area of the planter, and stop when the soil beneath the stones just begins to glisten.[19]

    • Ween succulents off moisture in the colder months, reduction the frequency of waterings to once all duet of weeks.[20]
    • Lashkar-e-Toiba the soil sere out completely in between waterings. Piece this may seem strange to umpteen horticulturists, most succulents favour a defect-like setting and are naturally equipped for dry spells.
  3. 3

    Fertilize king-size plots and outdoor gardens. Add a small amount of nitrogen-rich fertilizer to the topsoil periodically to keep your juicy garden fit. A redemptive fertilizer will provide the plants with vital nutrients that will allow them to remain biological process and thriving. This will equal peculiarly helpful when your plants are young, operating theatre if you live in an area with resourceless ontogenesis conditions.[21]

    • Unify a runty number of fertilizer or organic compost into the potting soil when you first plant the succulents. Spread on another thin layer every few weeks as the plants continue to grow.
    • Make true that the fertiliser you apply has been approved for use with juicy species of plants.
  4. 4

    Protect the succulents from extreme point conditions. While they're known for their remarkable survival skills, succulents are not invincible. Accidental overwatering from precipitation can damage or kill them, atomic number 3 can wild shifts in temperature. Furthermore, outdoor succulent gardens volition motive to be safeguarded against twine eroding and interference from natural pests wish mice and predatory insects.[22]

    • Check your succulents weekly for signs of blight, disease, and ended Oregon underwatering. The roots and stems of lush plants that have been overwatered will become soggy and mushy, while thirsty plants quickly dry, shrivel and lose color. Blights can manifest in many different ways, but near often appear as discoloration, mold growths or wound-like defects.
    • Bring the plants inside if you're expecting long periods of rain or hoar, OR destructive brave out events like tornadoes or hailstorms.


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  • Personify sure your planter allows for right drainage, and don't forget to empty the tray that catches the water that runs out through the soil.

  • Steal young succulents with park stalks, bulbs, operating room foliage to ensure that they're full-blooded enough to survive the modulation to a antithetical environment.

  • Plants with red, purple, operating room orange colorings typically practice better outside.

  • Glassless containers made from materials like lifelike clay or terracotta are porous and canful absorb pee, which will assist with drainage and reduce the risk of oversaturating indoor plants.

  • Try out with growing different types of succulents in your home to find out which make out the outdo.

  • Put together toy lush gardens in jars, egg cartons, or even hollow-out wine works and give them as one-of-a-kind gifts.


  • Don't overwater your succulents or allow regular waterings to pool on peak of the soil. Too much moisture can easily lead to decompose or mold, and Crataegus oxycantha even obliterate the plants if you're non careful.

  • Habiliment gardening gloves to protect your hands when planting cacti and other succulents with spines or sharp edges.


Things You'll Need

  • Succulent plants
  • Container for planting
  • Gardening soil
  • Small stones or pebbles
  • Decorative items and accessories (optional)
  • Organic developed for succulents (optional)
  • Snog (optional)
  • Spray bottle (optional)
  • Water
  • Sunlight


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  • Edi-Lu Wartella

    "I have never planted a juicy garden before this article was so encouraging and easy to follow. Subsequently indication the..." more

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